Automate Your
Reporting Process

Set up automatic report generation and delivery, ensuring you always have the latest data at your fingertips.

Take Control of Your Reporting

Get the latest data effortlessly, without any manual intervention.

Automate Your Reports with Ease
Set up automatic report generation and delivery with just a few clicks. Define your schedule, select your data sources, and let Reportql handle the rest. No more manual report creation – save time and ensure accuracy with automated scheduling.
Always Stay Updated
Ensure your reports reflect the most current information with real-time data integration. Reportql connects directly to your databases, providing up-to-the-minute insights. Say goodbye to outdated reports and hello to accurate, timely data.
Customize Your Report Delivery
Choose how and where your reports are delivered. Send reports via email, save them to a shared drive, or integrate with other tools in your workflow. With Reportql, you have the flexibility to deliver reports exactly where they are needed, when they are needed.

Who Benefits?

Reportql provides fast and effective solutions for IT Teams, Software Vendors and Manufacturers when visualazation the data.

Developers usually struggle when designing reports in BI tools. In daily workflow, end users need real-time information so quickly rather than in-depth analysis. With Reportql, developers can avoid repetitive development cycles for simple report creation or dashboard design.

Since Reportql can be easily embedded and integrated into existing or tailor-made software, it enables both software vendors and manufacturers to achieve high levels of customer success in the reporting services they provide to their clients.