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Dashboard components are the building blocks that display your data in an accessible and interactive format. Common ingredients include:

  1. Server Table
    1. Description: It allows the data stored on the server to be displayed in tabular form. This component pulls data from large databases or server-based data sources and presents it to the user.
    2. Working Location: Runs on the server side.
  1. Client Table
    1. Description: Allows the data stored on the client side to be displayed in a tabular form. It is generally used for small and local data sets.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Pivot
    1. Description: Allows data to be presented in the form of pivot tables. This component makes it easy to dynamically group, summarize and analyze data.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Content Box
    1. Description: Used to display free-form content such as text, images, or HTML content. Ideal for providing information or explanation to the user.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Pie Chart
    1. Description: Allows visualization of data in the form of a pie chart. It visually presents the proportions of data slices.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Donut Graphics
    1. Description: A type of chart that shows percentages of data, similar to a pie chart but with a hole in the middle.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Polar Area Chart
    1. Description: It allows data to be displayed as an area graph in the polar coordinate system. It is used to visually compare different groups of data.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Line Chart
    1. Description: Allows data to be displayed as a line graph. It is used for visualizing time series or continuous data.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  2. Vertical Bar Chart
    1. Description: Allows visualization of data as vertical bars. It is used to compare data in different categories.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Horizontal Bar Chart
    1. Description: Allows visualization of data in the form of horizontal bars. It is the horizontal version of the vertical bar chart and is used to compare categories.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  1. Fixed Content
    1. Description: Used to show fixed and unchanging content. This content can be specific text, visual or fixed information.
    2. Runtime: Runs on the client side.
  2. Text
    1. Description: Allows users to enter free text. This parameter is used when users need to enter any textual information.
    2. Example Usage: Fields such as username, description, comment.
  1. Integer
    1. Description: Allows users to enter integer values. It is used to enter numerical data.
    2. Example Usage: Fields such as age, quantity, ranking value.
  1. History
    1. Description: Allows users to select dates. It facilitates data entry in date format.
    2. Example Usage: Fields such as date of birth, registration date, event date.
  1. Checkbox
    1. Description: Allows users to confirm an option. It is used for binary choices such as true/false, yes/no.
    2. Example Usage: Options such as accepting the terms of use, e-mail subscription.
  1. Fixed Selectable List
    1. Description: Allows users to choose from predefined options. The list is fixed and cannot be changed.
    2. Example Usage: Fields such as gender, country, city.
  1. Query Selectable List
    1. Description: Allows users to choose from options pulled dynamically from a data source. The list can be queried based on user input.
    2. Example Usage: Product list, customer list, project list
  1. User
    1. Description: Allows users to select other users registered in the system. It is often used for tasks such as assigning tasks or determining responsibilities.
    2. Example Usage: Areas such as selecting a project manager, determining team members.
  1. Autocomplete
    1. Description: Suggests autocompletes from predefined options when users enter text. It helps the user log in faster and more accurately.
    2. Example Usage: Fields such as labels, product names, customer names.

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